SESSION 8 – High Ratio of Abundance for Time/Energy Spent

BodyMind Harmonizing™ is a two-step process:

Step 1
Think of a concept in your conscious mind.

Step 2
Feel the concept in your body for approximately 15-20 seconds.


Let’s practice the BodyMind Harmonizing™ process with the concept of

I generate a high ratio of abundance for time and energy spent.

In Step 1, begin by taking two slow, easy breaths. Breathe in for 4-5 seconds, and breathe out for 4-5 seconds. Do this breath-cycle for a few breaths.

Now, add saying the words — I generate a high ratio of abundance for time and energy spent softly in your mind. If you’re good at visualizing, picture something that symbolizes abundance to you.

In Step 2, do your best to feel this concept in your body for 15-20 seconds, perhaps as a body-sensation of expanding warmth in your chest/heart region, along with the feeling of enjoying it all the time.

15-20 seconds is the ideal length of time we’ve found that lets your body “soak up” the concept. The video below can be used as a guide to breathe and soak up the concept …

I generate a high ratio of abundance for time and energy spent.


There is no need to worry about whether you’re doing it right, either—all you need to do is to have the general intention of feeling the concept in your body during the 15-20 seconds.

Continue the process as long as you like. Two minutes per concept is the average amount of time it takes for most people to create optimal results.

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